Monday, January 22, 2007

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy: Melisa Shared Her Agony

Melisa (real name) was 45-years old female when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer in October 1998. She underwent a total hysterectomy, then radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It was a hellish experience.

Part 1: The radiotherapy and chemotherapy experience.

Part 2: She was elated after taking the herbs!

Melisa suffered badly from the radiotherapy. Barely two months afterwards, Melisa ended up having to go in and out of the hospital due to pains, fevers and high temperatures. Later, a scan showed that there was pus in her abdomen. The doctor extracted the pus. She was well for a while. Then, a scan revealed that the cancer had spread to her lungs and liver.

Since there was nothing much the doctors in Penang could do for her, Melisa ended up in a hospital in Singapore, to search for a cure. The doctor at first suggested that she underwent surgery to remove the infected parts of the liver. Melisa reasoned out how surgery could help her when the entire liver and lungs were infected with cancer. She declined surgery but went ahead with chemotherapy. The first injection of chemotherapy was tolerable but the second and third injections put her through hell. She preferred to die rather than complete the treatments.

One of her employees told Melisa to seek the help of a Dr.Teo in Penang. On 19 March 2000, Melisa came to see us. At that time, she could hardly walk.

I requested to have an interview with Melisa so that we can share her healing experience with others. She agreed. On 14 June 2001 at 4 p.m., a video-taped interview was conducted. Let Melisa share her healing experience with you.

Tell us about the experience of radiotherapy that you had in Penang.

I underwent twenty-five times of external radiation treatment and one session of internal treatment. For this internal radiation, three long probes were inserted into me and I had to lie on the bed for 72 hours in a special room, immobilised. During that treatment, the doctor visited me once. This was an experience that I would not wish to go through again.

I suffered badly from the radiation treatments too. I had a sore mouth. I was constipated and the anus bled. Sometimes, I had diarrhoea. I felt like there was a fire inside me. I could not eat or sleep. I vomited. Every morning when I woke up, I dread the thought of having to go through the radiation treatment again.

Tell us what was it like to be on chemotherapy.

It is very difficult to put in words the sufferings. The first chemo-shot was tolerable. I felt sleepy, tired and groggy. I did not vomit but I could not sleep. The second and third shots were really bad. Everything seemed not right. Sitting down was not right, standing up was not right. I could not sleep. In whatever position I was in, I just did not feel right. I could not eat. I felt something was blocked in the chest. The stomach felt bloated and there was wind trying to push itself out. Sometimes, I vomited. It was difficult to breathe. My hair dropped off every time I bathed and it blocked the drainage hole of the bathroom. When I stood up I felt like falling down. I could not get into the car, I felt giddy and the world was spinning around me.

In such a situation, I felt I would rather die. Remaining alive had no meaning anymore.

After having to go through that agony, what did the doctor say about the chances of your cure?
He said it all depended on me. He did not know what my chance was. He said I should be lucky if I could live for three to six months. I came to understand that I was given chemotherapy to prolong my life for three to six months. The doctor also told me that if I died, I would not die in pain if I had chemotherapy.

What happened after you came to see us and took the herbs?

This was what happened after I took the herbs that you prescribed. The first day, nothing spectacular happened. I only started to urinate a lot and felt a bit better. The urine was smelly. Before I took the herbs, the urine was always heaty. The second day I was on the herbs, I vomited. Anyway, I kept telling myself, this was to get rid of something in me. I still urinated a lot. The third day was great. I felt the muscles in the neck loosening up. I was able to put on my dress and go to my office. Before the herbs, I was not able to go to my office. Also I was not able to sit in the car. Now I could do all these. Even my office worker was surprised and asked me if I was already well. I felt elated and confident. I knew I was on the right path to healing. From that day on, I got better and better.

Extracted from the author's book: Cancer Success Stories: Book 2:Miraculous Healing

For more information on natural healing for cancer:

For more stories about cancer healing in video go to:
CA Care Video.

For answers to cancer questions go to: Cancer-Answers

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